Hello on Google Page One. And goodbye to wasting time on social media.

  • We help you become a market leader in your industry or region.
  • We build a system for you with predictable revenue growth.
  • We support you in saving bags of advertising budget.
  • We make your company more attractive to qualified top employees.

Our Services

WeLikeWeb GmbH ist eine Google AdWords Agentur in München. Für unsere B2B- und B2C-Kunden erzielen wir messbare Umsatzsteigerungen durch Google AdWords, Facebook Anzeigen und LinkedIn Anzeigen.

We place your advertising here!

  • Google Ads mit der Google Adwords Agentur WeLikeWeb aus München
  • Google Ads und Facebook Ads Agentur WeLikeWeb aus München
  • Google Ads mit der Google Adwords Agentur WeLikeWeb aus München
  • Google Ads und Youtube Ads Agentur aus München WeLikeWeb GmbH
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Online marketing for increased visibility and revenue: Maximize your potential in the digital realm with our hands-on workshop!
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We make you measurably more successful on all relevant social media platforms and build loyal fan community at Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest & Co.
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We optimize your Google Ads (AdWords) campaigns within 5 workdays and measurably increase your return on investment (ROI) by at least 20%.
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For e-commerce companies we create Google shopping campaigns and optimise them on a monthly basis with the goal of acquiring new customers and increasing your ROAS and conversions.
Are you unhappy with your Google Ads performance? We uncover your unused potential and scale up your sales!
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We improve your local Google SEO rankings and increase your visibility by creating and optimizing the Google My Business listings for your company.
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Do you want to measurably scale up your conversions with Shopify? We support you if you want to start with Shopify, switch to Shopify or if you want to significantly increase and automate your sales.
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B2B Online Marketing wird aktuell noch nicht unternehmens- und branchenübergreifend von allen Wettbewerbern praktiziert. Auf Grund dessen besteht hier ein erhöhtes Potenzial, Kunden bereits früh im Entscheidungs- und Kaufprozess zu beeinflussen und somit als Geschäftskunden zu gewinnen.
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Durch das Nachverfolgen interessierter Website-Besucher, ist es das Ziel Besucher zu Käufern oder Leads zu machen. Das steigert die Anzahl an Conversions und Ihren Return-of-Investment (ROI).
Wir erstellen innerhalb von 3 Tagen professionelle Keyword-Recherchen und analysieren für Sie die von Ihrer Zielgruppe am meisten gesuchten Suchbegriffe bei Google mit der größten Umsatz-Chancen.
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We create a digital strategy to reach new customer groups domestically and in new markets.
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Do you know this?

Are you also tired of companies with inferior products and services winning customers because they are ranked better on Google? Then let us help you now!

Google Ads mit der Google Adwords Agentur WeLikeWeb aus München

Experience & Expertise

Over 15 years of experience in increasing sales with over 1,000 AdWords accounts as an Adwords agency in Munich. We advised over 100 national and international companies in Online Marketing, AdWords etc.

Google Ads mit der Google Adwords Agentur WeLikeWeb aus München

Analytical approach

Data-driven optimizations are our favorite. We analyze AdWords & Google Analytics regularly and increase the website performance.

Google Ads mit der Google Adwords Agentur WeLikeWeb aus München

100% Google Premier Partner

Our AdWords managers are experienced Google partners and all have at least 4 years experience. We also enable the implementation in English, Spanish, French, Chinese and other languages.

Google Ads mit der Google Adwords Agentur WeLikeWeb aus München

Performance-based compensation

We are being compensated on a performance-related basis. Your business goals correspond to our goals as an online marketing agency. Our goal is measurable by sales increases. Short notice periods and flexible contracts.


Companies of all sizes trust us

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Customer Reviews:

Industry expertise

As a PPC agency we are trusted by automotive & logistics companies, banks and insurance companies, travel companies, sports & fashion companies, B2B companies, large marketing agencies, universities, real estate companies, medium-sized producers, e-commerce companies and many more.

Sport & Tourism

Sport Goods Manufacturer Sport clubs Vacation regions Travel agencies Travel portals Cruise agencies Tour operators Vacation resorts Hotels & Hotel chains

B2B & Medium-sized businesses

IT Production industry Industrial companies Financial institutes Pharmacies Family businesses Software Utility Industry Large advertising agencies Real-estate Agriculture

E-Commerce, Lifestyle, Bildung

E-Commerce companies Online shops Fashion brands Beauty Luxury brands Publishing houses & magazines Insurance companies Universities & Colleges Home & Living Shops Logistics companies


WeLikeweb GmbH was founded by Andreas Muscheid and Felix Duerler as a performance marketing agency in Munich. The team consists of certified Google partners and has 15 years of experience in online marketing consulting.

Andreas Muscheid

Owner & CEO

For over 8 years founder and consultant of e-commerce and medium-sized companies; freelance lecturer at the university Campus M21 in the field of online marketing. Several years of professional experience in finance, private equity and M&A; studies: Master of Science in Finance (Frankfurt a.M.); focus: Online Marketing and Conversion Optimisation Hobbies: Sports in the mountains and tennis;

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